13 Dec
13 Dec
11:28 p.m.
On 12/14/21, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
I found a reference that said that the LD50 for rats and ivermectin was 51 milligrams/kilogram.If humans had the same LD50 for ivermectin, a 100 kilogram person's LD50 would be 51 grams. So, I think it would be safe to take 0.51 grams, or 100x less. Probably daily.
The first block of links has pictures of the ivermectin zinc etc regimen packages and dosages handed out to people in countries that aren't under such politician-pharma control. Hundreds of other ivermectin mentions in thread, which no one reads, lol. And all over what's left of censored google, etc.