liberatory ideas government (or governance)
These are mutually exclusive.
governance anarchic
These are mututally exclusive.
Digital Government Research innovations in digital politics and government
Permanent lifelong intergenerational databases of all lives, transactions, words, thoughts, love, DNA, surveillance, spying, lightswitch digital control of the "misinformation" that is your mind and body, censorship, rampant media bias, forced lockdown and inoculation, license logon and permission required for all daily activities including authenticating to your toilet bowl for the morning piss, checkpointed biometric embedded body tags, papers please travel, encryption bans, firearm bans, 6G reporting in realtime, facial gait voice analysis, web bugs, NSA, GovCorp in everything you do, and much much more you despots have yet to dream up, beyond all above which you've already implemented.
models of governance
All such in all symposiums on same on this so called "liberation" list in recent years have all been, disgustingly, about how to keep building further structures of enslavement over other harmless humans who've done nothing to you, through forcing yourself and your will over them, ultimately under threat of death. You are guilty. So for remainder of this month, instead of titillating yourselves over yet another such boring and wrong conference... go search, read, and watch... Voluntaryism, Libertarian, peace love and Anarchism, Taxation is Theft, War is Murder, Austrian Economics / Free Markets, Bitcoin documentaries, Anarcho Capitalism, Non Aggression Principle, Natural Law, etc... and yes, even...
Anything but yet more forcing yourself over others via non "liberatory ideas" scam of "democracy" and digital govern[ment|nance]. Then come back and talk about what actions of ungovernance need done towards reaching living in an actual state of liberation. Because what's being talked 100:1 on this list has absolutely not been actual liberation, nor even tech, but more politically entrenched systems of GovCorp power and control. That's very bad. For you. And your children. And you know it.