n Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 11:21 PM, Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:


A Tribe Called Red

ALie Nation vs The HalluciNation

Ft. John Trudell, Tanya Tagaq, Lido Pimienta & Northern Voice


​Pretty beautiful video and the lyrics are a sweet poetry.  Thank you.  Music touches the soul and awakes the mind.​

The Halluci Nation
The human beings
The people see the spiritual in the natural
Through sense and feeling
Everything is related
All the things of earth and in the sky have spirit
Everything is sacred
Confronted by the alienation
The subjects and the citizens see the material religions
Through trauma and numb
Nothing is related
All the things of the earth and in the sky have energy to be exploited
Even themselves, mining their spirits into souls, sold
Into nothing is sacred not even their self
The ALie Nation, the alienation