I feel kinda hesitent to reply to this cause I know that there have been a lotta rightwing posts and I don't want to disrespect present viewpoints.

On Sat, Oct 9, 2021, 8:29 AM professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
If my posts annoy and upset - or cause any pain and sadness to - professional obscurantist and obfuscator, Karl Gasbag Timewaster Some-arse-itch, then that makes them well worthwhile in their own right.

I don't understand why you keep repeating this, but maybe I'll realize soon how it's obvious.

I feel a little stony around it after seeing it so many times.

I guess rereading it, I can infer that you're thinking of upsetting me and holding this with real value.  That upsetting me is a good thing.

And I've attacked you recently.  Something I could think about.

But, as I said, Joe Biden is a traitor to all humanity and would be far better off dead.

As he's the current president, I can see people dreaming about killing this guy.

He should serve as a horrible example to all the Batshit, Gramps, Assmange, Semitch types that try and follow him.

I feel sad ... I'm so curious what it is we've done to deserve death.