Check out my recent article: https://litigationfinancejournal.com/litigating-universal-cognitive-liberty/ Litigating Universal Cognitive Liberty Freedom of thought is recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Interestingly,, cognitive liberty is not recognized as an international human right. Some want to change that, making the argument that humanity has the right to be free to think whatever they want (freedom of thought). The Ottawa Citizen reports < https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/military-leaders-saw-p...
that the Canadian armed forces have launched ?psychological operations? as an experiment in government propaganda to counter civil disobedience. International human rights scholars are quick to point out that the lack of protection of cognitive liberty in such instances is due to the relative lack of technology capable of directly interfering with mental autonomy at the time the core human rights treaties were created. Similar to a ransomware attack, the technology behind such operations can be abused. Canada is said to have exploited advanced technologies without the authority to do so. Even worse, it is alleged that Canada forcefully abused technology in the unsanctioned production of reports that appeared to be aimed at cognitive activities of Canadians. - Other reports highlight similar technologies being explored by the New York City Police Department. - In 2021 < https://gothamist.com/news/city-settles-lawsuit-protesters-who-accused-nypd-...
, members of the National Lawyers Guild won $650,000 in litigation financed fees from abuse of the technology in New York.
The semantics empowering freedom of thought as a human right hold new opportunities for modern international recognition of the right to cognitive liberty.