This is important! — A tribe of animal hunters is having a big celebration. Members of other tribes hear the festivities, and come to join. Member of tribe 2: “This is great! What are you guys celebrating?” Member of tribe 1: “Welcome to our celebration! We’re celebrating having killed 100 animals this season! It’s awesome!” Tribe 2 has counted the animals in the area. There were only 100. — Member of tribe 3: “It’s great you guys have food for the winter, but we need animals to hunt too, and there aren’t many left.” Member of tribe 1: “Um!” Member of tribe 4: “Honestly, we need you to bring all your important people together into a formal meeting with the other tribes, so we can discuss this incredibly important matter.” Member of tribe 1: “Oh!” Member of tribe 5: “Or we will wage war on you otherwise! Please help this come to a peaceful solution!” Member of tribe 1: “Definitely! Goodness! I’ll bring this up with other people and introduce you to others too to make sure this happens!” Member of tribe 6: “But we don’t want to hamper your festivities! Celebration is important!” Member of tribe 1: “Thank you!” Member of tribe 7: “But we can’t drop this either!” — After the festivities, a formal meeting is held among all the tribes to discuss hunting in the area … [ in our meeting we found that tribe 1 had been possibly exposed to influences of corruption, partly snake oil business people, also other things influencing their governance and possibly even how they performed their religious teachings. the issue was the corrupt influences were not interested in forthrightly participating in the meeting, because they were profiting so much from the situation. instead the other tribes decided to spend a lot of time thoroughly getting to know the people of tribe 1 to prepare to act on the problem of corruption safely and properly. we’re thinking it’s likely important to keep that hidden from the corrupt people. learning how to do that might be a priority. (forming real alliances with corrupt people might be awesome!) possible big mistakes. ]