14-16/24 [i'm only provided 24 messages/day. this should be 14 as 2 were sent from another email address. if you have the capability of uniting identities of people across emails with reliability, i would strongly desire to talk with you about stopping persistent severe harm. so i'm going to be confused if that's going on, and it seems to be, since there's no relation around it, and there needs to be. it's possible i am at 16/24, or that i am at 14/14, unsure how the server will act. i'm guessing after i described this that it will act like i'm at 14. unsure. if it acts like i am at 16 maybe i can form clearer thoughts around what is up; have to be careful cause it feels [oppressive?painful?] when bumped into, which can make it really hard to think and relate, notably to remember whatever i want to relate about.] 14[-16]/24? {greg would be into stopping harm. if it's trafficking rather than aid, yes that is discouraging, much simpler to consider for me tho maybe 14[-16]/24 "I liked the council of peace, why are we leaving?" "--