On 7/22/19, Ryan Carboni <33389@protonmail.com> wrote:
What good is the cypherpunk philosophy?
The cypherpunk philosophy can't make public knowledge any more public than it already is. The failure to act is a human failing, not a technological one.
Humans tend to wait, then they explode, solving everything in one glorious event, then sit on their ass till repeat.
The design of systems ... quick and secure options
Fabs and hardware must become opensource.
I wonder what would the US government do if there is extensive video evidence that the country's leaders are largely pedophiles.
The same thing they did with the extensive video evidence that they were directly involved in torture and murder post 9/11, and in any other top secret thing in history [1] that was about to get its covers embarrasingly blown off... shred them ASAP. Only a few have kept private copies of such evidences, and they're too afraid of being killed off to come forward with them. [1] Start search with MKULTRA , COLLATERAL MURDER , etc ...