On Sun, 17 Apr 2016 16:32:06 -0500 Xer0Dynamite <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
By-the-way, the first problem with a discussion about vaccines and 'autism' is to take for granted that such a thing as 'autism' has any intellectual legitimacy, when in reality the concept of 'autism' is pseudo scientific garbage coming from the same scumbag 'scientists' who considered homosexuality a kind of 'mental illness' and who to this day 'cure' children who 'suffer' 'ADHD' by giving them amphetamine.
Are you sure you want to go here Juan? Because like it or not, and no matter how uncool or unmetro it is, cutting off your penis does not make you a woman.
I've been looking at your message for a while and I'm still wondering how it is related to what I said. You don't seem to understand what the issue is, let alone be able to come up with a meaningful reply...
Yet the LBGQT crowd woudl debase women by calling such crippled men "women".
Maybe you should ask jesus and your government to pass a law against it.
Also, poop doesn't and cannot make love--you're body rejects the material coming out of your anus, why wouldn't be pathological? How about men who eat poop in the psych wards? Should the people who are evaluating them be considered "Pseudo-scientific garbage"?
Feel free to take all the time you need to explain your position...