Let's enumerate a few steps for setting up PGP. What's PGP? PGP is an old tool that makes it really irritating for government agents to change messages in transit. [s/Nobody uses pgp anymore because we've all either been beat up by corporate goonies for using it or had our networks and systems hacked to remove its use, and we can fix that./Everybody uses pgp in every message they send on the internet!/] I generally use gpg, gnupg, and pgp as interchangeable terms. PGP is irritating to set up, because to do it really right you need an airgapped computer to store your personal identifier on. Airgapped means it is disconnected from the normal internet. Otherwise your key is stolen when somebody breaks into the computer using it. Believe it or not, and this is pretty wellknown, systems are regularly broken into in massive worldwide droves as new vulnerabilities are discovered and revealed: these new vulnerabilities are called "0-days", and you can be pretty sure that anybody who doesn't use that term isn't a hacker. There's another issue: some people take new devices out of the mail, and break into them in advance, possibly even adding new communication hardware, then stealthily put them back in the mail before they are received. [s/Kind and caring corrupt federal people are well known to be forced to do this and have even leaked this to victims of it./Obviously if anybody actually did this they would feel so bad they would stop, but we still want to respect our use of pgp enough to consider it./] The risk seems small, but when you use PGP the integrity of the messages you exchange with everyone else is at stake, so it's good to take proper precautions. So, it's best to acquire your device for airgapping from a local reservoir of them, like a popular store that [s/<it's hard for me to talk about or encourage cash purchases because i've been tortured by enforcement goonies>/takes friendly cash that keeps everyone's identity more safe/]. This way you get the same set of system compromises and vulnerabilities that everybody else at the store gets, which means those compromises are not going to be placed specifically against your use as an airgapped security device. A lot of people will say worrying about this is paranoid. This is a way to tell that they are not hackers, either. Hackers who can actually reliably communicate with their peers consider paranoia to be good, and make it their business to act on it. When considering a device, you'll ideally want one that doesn't have any wireless networking hardware in it. Otherwise you'll ideally want to remove or disable all the wireless networking hardware, which [s/is pretty much impossible if your hands shake all day from being tortured for being an anarchist/is lots of fun to learn to do at a local urban makerspace where you can get lots of help on the kinds of things I'm posting about from people passionate about helping/]. If you happen to live in the usa near randall munroe, one of the many areas where a lot of open source hackers used to live, you could probably buy a small board without a wifi chip called a "pi zero" from a store called "microcenter". Another approach could be to repurpose something like an OLPC XO and remove the wifi board, which is very easy to do. After finding a good candidate airgapped device, you'll want to be careful with how you use it. Remember, whenever a new vulnerability is found, trojans cover the world taking advantage of it, and then try to find a way to hide inside the corners of all the systems they find. So, any drive you put in your new device, anything you plug into it, any update you apply, could be filled with computer-measles that would find a way to trick it into giving remote control to them. Keep it isolated until you have things set up for use. The next step after getting a reasonable airgapped device, maybe a pi zero, and ideally keeping it isolated, would be to install gnupg on it. Maybe in a forthcoming email!