Catalonia update - although rubber bullets are illegal in Spain,
police are using them, and 4 protestors have now each lost an eye;
turmoil escalating:
Spain's Catalonia Crisis Just Got A Lot Worse
On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 01:23:06PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> OK, ok, slight exaggeration - voting in a secession referendum is
> illegal, says Spain to Catalonia.
> Since only States are sovereign, and not people (say the States),
> secessionist referenda are illegal.
> And besides, it's for your safety.
> Crimea is a case in point - with a few million bullets fired, blood
> on the streets and carnage the world has rarely seen, Crimeans paid a
> high price for the reuniting with Russia.
> Oh, it didn't quite go like that? Oh well, you know, voting is
> illegal and all... and the State of Ukraine murdering it's own people
> in a genocidal attempt to cause them to "reunite" with the other
> land, we have a prime example of why the State must, at all times, be
> granted ultimate sovereignty, and the people must be dominated with
> bullets. And missiles. And land mines, shelling, RPGs and everything
> else the state can muster, to establish order in the world.
> "Democracy" loving Westerners both decry the Crimean's zero bullet
> referendum (what a concept), whilst demanding the USA's "God" given
> right to impose "democracy" by missile upon any unsuspecting nation
> State that has some excess oil. Or lots of non-excess oil that the
> USA wants. Or other resources...
> And on and on the Western "moral high ground" hypocrisy goes...
> Cue another ridiculous jnn rant in 3 ... 2 ...
> What a world we live in.
> Catalonia sets date for landmark vote on independence from Spain
> The autonomous region of Catalonia will have the decisive referendum
> on secession from Spain on October 1, the regional government
> announced on Friday. The move comes after a months-long standoff with
> Madrid, which decries the vote as illegal.