Listen, before everyone starts getting nasty. It does help to understand the meaning of currency. If I take a bunch of distinct rocks and then say they worth 1pence per gram (a made up currency unit) and then someone buys them (eventually) for $10,000 per gram (a pre-existing currency).... They're still rocks... Get it? Marxos On 12/2/17, g2s <g2s@riseup.net> wrote:
C -------- Original message --------From: grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> Date: 12/1/17 4:01 PM (GMT-08:00) To: cypherpunks@cpunks.org Subject: Re: Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution (Documentary)
Hahaha! Imagine the mayhem if the US dollar lost 20% of its value overnight. Bitcoin's potential worthiness has been maneuvered by the same scumbags who ruined the financial markets with flash trading to be a Pyramid Scam only truly stupid people would believe in. Or scam artists like the libertard shits infesting this list.
Bitcoin loses over a fifth of its value in less than 24 hours https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-markets-bitcoin/bitcoin-loses-over...
Tim May was wrong. Btc is Pwnd.
I'm not going to let you forget that as a consequence of my October 7, 20177:00PM (Prague time) Prague speech, Bitcoin went from about $4300 to $5800 in six days. Raising the value of all Bitcoin by $24 billion.
And don't forget: Well before that, I TOLD the CP list to "Buy Bitcoin"
Article was irrelavant and old the minute it was posted. Cryptocurrency doesn't give a fuck and will continue to rise. Traders in that vein are ready to buy such dips, and 20% is normal.
As i was saying. Youre just another gambling scumbag capitalist who apparently doeant know what the word "currency" means. Bitcoin and the like are OBVIOUSLY a Pyramid Scam brought to you by the same Flash Trading ethics that destroyed your markets and economies.. GoldmanSachs and their scumbag financial friends PWN U Or for all I know, you work for them and thats why You're peddling their snake oil. Rr