Chainanalysis cops
They and their business model of fucking you and your private trades over, spying everyones lives, feeding the tax men tools to support more murder and war, perpetuating fintech GovCorp regulation regimes, etc... will die off when people wake the fuck up from that dataveillance nightmare and create and shift to better privacy coins over better darknets and RFNets over new p2p DropGangs enterprises. Their biased Anti-Freedom report didn't say a word about ZEC and XMR, and even those two are legacy privacy coin designs that will die from having to carry around their ever growing blockchains. They failed to mention the names of any current markets, especially all the ones where you can buy and sell all your housewares, makeables, computer parts and gig services, cars, etc... including distributed markets like OpenBazaar and others. Nor did they mention not just any privacy coins, but any privacy services such as JoinMarket, CashFusion, BlockDX, Bisq, etc. But they do still love writing about Marijuana, and supporting proselytizing advocating conspiring in facilitating and provding direct consultancy to GovCorp perpetration of countless CRIMES of THEFT, and to banksters locking peoples business livelihoods, etc... https://blog.chainalysis.com/reports/silk-road-doj-seizure-november-2020 https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/united-states-files-civil-action-forfei... https://go.chainalysis.com/2021-Crypto-Crime-Report.html People really should start filing tort and civil rights claims against Chainalysis and the other companies doing the same thing. There are thousands of test cases over 10 years to choose from. And these companies have mountains of evil GovCorp money readily mineable by good attorneys willing to work on contingency. In fact, its probably easier / profitable to mine them than to mine bitcoin, and lawsuits bog these corps down with disruption delay and intimidation of legal uncertainty environment in the process ;) Call it fair payback for stifling raping and FUDding crypto adoption and promise of peace love and crypto freedom around the world.