One should know roughly where one came from, and consider where one has evolved to today. Even partial efforts to such can be capitalized and furthered upon. Speaking of diffing movie scripts...... http://catb.org/esr/comparator/
Ledgers are unfortunate, currently in many regards, indeed. Yet how does one expect to get off the planet by trading chickens, eggs, and shiny things around in person.
It's greenfield, any fuck that speaks of this as a nonintrinsic negative is a complete statist closed market control freak fuck.
cuts in videos
Are an untrustworthy scam.
a role for government long term empires
As it is. The list can randomly analyze the rest. Analyze anything posted, by anyone. Most on it here don't have the balls. That's sad. Distributed technology is and will continue to disrupt and evaporate legacy power structures. Embrace and adopt it for the good. http://www.catb.org/~esr/letterize/letterize.html Code.