Mass rollout of experimental mRNA vaccines developed in record-time, with unforeseen long-term consequences and with big pharma companies claiming exemption from all liability, as usual. These will become mandatory. Vaccine/health passports will be issued (already in effect in various countries). These will be necessary to get work, rent an apartment, go to school, buy food, move from state to state, province to province, etc. What's more is that it won't be, "one and done". You will be mandated, on pain of state violence, to line up for "covid shots" every 3 - 4 months. Covid will never go away. Temperature scanning will pave the way for biometric retinal scanning, all under the auspices of contact tracing and public safety. Further on down the road, cash will be phased out, because, it will be argued, it is a vector of transmission for the virus. Financial privacy will end. Private ownership of vehicles will end. Autonomous drones and cars will patrol the streets and skies. Pretty much every facet of social life will go virtual. Technological innovations like Neuralink will eventually colonize every aspect of daily life and become de facto mandatory much in the same way that cell phones have colonized society and changed it in such a way as to become de facto mandatory. Social credit systems governed by AI will rule in every country on Earth. reply FURTHER: Submitted by anon (not verified) on Thu, 12/10/2020 - 12:14 Talking about the World Economic Forum and "The Great Reset" will be met by so-called radicals with cries of "fake news!" or "conspiracy theory!" (automatically conflated with anti-semitism despite the total absence of any such content). https://anarchistnews.org/comment/26643#comment-26643 There's no hope - just kill yourself.