On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 03:04:19AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
What of integration with a sort of warrant canary numbers station... And your own heuristic "you recognizer"...
Point of articles is: that in your brain is historically protected such that ruberhose isn't even tried because it's plainly not legal. These cases are trying to rubberhose that protection away by bench legislation, and generally further destroy other protections on the slope. That's beyond bad.
Ack. Right to not self incriminate. Right to freedom of communication. Right to freely associate with other humans (big one under attack here in Australia). Right to choose which (if any) implement is inserted into any orifice of my body (the old breath testing units, some still used today). Right to choose which (if any) medications go into my body. and plenty more... we are in a war, right now, though few recognise this fact