On Oct 16, 2017 15:33, "\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
You were banned for only 3 (three) days, Mark.
Cecilia, or whoever you are, please don't state half-truths as facts when you haven't cross-checked your data. After I moved some non-political content back where it was, they banned me completely. They're either being morons, or they're run by idiots. I will confirm this information with the team. It's a moderated list, but the guys are really patient and they didn't mention any expulsion or whatever.
And it occurred after the biggest of your overreactions, full of offenses and curses to all the members of the list. :P
Really? Do you know what you're talking about? There was only one hate-message after I was ready to forever give up on that crowd, so stop being a shitty human. Please, read again all the very unpleasant messages you sent to that list and respective feedbacks, please. It's an open list. Anyone can see the whole drama.
Please, consider to begin and use your own repository, dear.
I partially did. Are you knowledgeable on that? Probably not, but I will discover only trying to do it. :)