On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 3:52 AM, Ben Tasker <ben@bentasker.co.uk> wrote:
So there's a reasonable chance he didn't communicate anything useful to anyone else
All he said was bye to his family and allahu ackbar, via the bog standard jihadi martyrdom suicide ritual. Big fucking deal. Absolutely nothing about this event or "terrorism" is even remotely relavant compared the grand scale of thousands of innocent preventable deaths due to stupid refusal to scan everyone for medical conditions regularly by investing the $trillions wasted on expeditionary inciteful wars. Among innumerable other retarded classes of death every day.
Again, fucking everyone over to try and target a few, potentially with no gain at the end of it.
They're not targeting a few with you as mere collateral damage. Terrorism isn't shit to them. They're purposefully using the scare story of a few irrelavants precisely so they can fuck you all in the ass. If I had a nickel for every time some worthless fuckshit in Govt cried terror, I'd be fucking rich.