On 01/04/2018 04:01 PM, jamesd@echeque.com wrote:
On 1/5/2018 3:49 AM, Marina Brown wrote:
The phenomenon i am talking about are "libertarians" who don't care about personal liberty, freedom to travel, and other stuff most of us on this list hold dear.
You don't seem terribly keen on the right of a white woman to stroll along the San Francisco dock with her father without being capriciously and whimsically murdered for being white.
I see a whole lot of Silicon Valley's best people fleeing the Bay Area because of political repression and tribal violence. Is this not a restriction on personal liberty and freedom of travel?
Silicon Valley, like East Germany before the communists built the Berlin wall, is suffering massive loss of its best people - for much the same
Whining, whimpering, sniveling cowards are gonna whine, whimper and snivel regardless: Because I Feared For My Life is their license to kill niggers and other Inferior Others (or hire it done via municipal police forces) "on a whim." They /cultivate/ fear and contempt for their imagined racial inferiors, because every person who gets stomped down for not being "white like me" is one less economic and social competitor. There's nothing wrong with folks like "jamesd" that adult supervision from alert neighbors - and arming their potential victims just in case - can't keep under control. The whining, whimpering, sniveling "professional victims" never use violence under circumstances where there is a chance that they will face effective resistance, or retaliation in kind. They want helpless victims only.