The fork of TBB and tor is way overdue. Time to update our git remotes to track the forks and think about "user visibility into tor and TBB operation" addons. On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 11:05:02PM +0300, Cari Machet wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <anonymous.coward@posteo.de> Date: Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 6:53 PM Subject: [tor-talk] Algorithm that chooses exit nodes To: tor-talk@lists.torproject.org
Dear fellows,
I´d like to know, what algorithm does TOR use to chose an exit node? What I find strange is, I always get an exit node from the same region on this planet. I never had an exit node, say from Russia or Hong Kong or Japan, but always from the same region.
This algorithm does not seem to chose it really randomly. Thus I´m curious how TOR choses exit nodes!
Thank you