On 09/13/2017 04:22 PM, jim bell wrote:
On Wednesday, September 13, 2017, 12:04:45 PM PDT, Marina Brown <catskillmarina@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry, but you are not even hundreds of miles away from being correct on this. To label DNS service, which is essentially monopoly, as supporting "genocide" is about 3-4 leaps of logic, far too much to work. A few nuts spouting nonsense is far, very far, from "conspiracy to commit genocide". Merely providing necessary net services to them, just as is done for thousands of sites, cannot possibly be described that way. Maybe you just have no respect for the concept of "Free Speech". Jim Bell
I am concerned about the market monopoly of DNS service ...but This is not about speech. It is about people conspiring to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing and to remove peoples human rights.
Sorry, but I cannot agree. That's way too close to the 'nutty lefty' way of thinking that is infecting our society today. At most, it is "hate speech", which the First Amendment protects.
You cannot simultaneously enguage in free speech and a conspiracy to commit genocide. One is permitted, one is a crime.
What do you mean, "you cannot"? Do you mean, 'you are not allowed to'? Or do you mean, 'you are not capable of...'. ?
Further, your reference to "conspiracy to commit genocide" is merely a flawed characterization on your part. While I don't claim that absolutely no people on the right are "conspiring to commit genocide", the vast majority are merely engaging in hostile speech that the left doesn't like, speech that I consider they have a right to make. I don't consider that as any justification at all to begin trying to shut down their right to free speech.
Actual genocide is a major problem But your mere characterization of free speech as being "conspiracy to commit genocide" appears to me to not merely be wrong, but foolish.
"...Unless you want to redefine free speech to include criminal conspiracy."
Unless you can actually show a specific criminal conspiracy, I'm not interested in your histrionics.
"We can oppose monopolies like DNS TLD without defending conspiracy to commit genocide."
We can defend people's right to free speech without being accused of defending conspiracy to commit genocide. Oh, wait, I forgot. That's SO 20th Century!!!
Jim Bell
I do defend Free Speech - but when people start planning on murdering whole groups of people it is no longer free speech. It's something else. There is no need for Hate Speech laws. ...Just when things go to plotting genocide, ethnic cleansing or removing the human rights of large groups of people it's criminal. Of course the actual line needs to be determined not by me but by a legitimate court. Would you actually call the Neuremburg trials nutty lefty ? I think not. It's mainstream actually rather conservative law.