Here is Federal List of Extemists Materials on Ministry of Justice website You know where "Ru" is? Russia.
#4071 Плакат с изображением человека, похожего на президента РФ В.В. Путина, на лице которого макияж – накрашены ресницы и губы, что, по замыслу автора/авторов плаката, должно служить намеком на якобы нестандартную сексуальную ориентацию президента РФ. Текст под изображением (воспроизводится с сохранением особенностей орфографии и пунктуации, с сокрытием нецензурной лексики): «Избиратели Путина, как ... вроде бы их много, но среди моих знакомых их нет», размещенный 07 мая 2014 года в социальной сети «Вконтакте» на аккаунте с ник-неймом «Александр Цветков» (решение Центрального районного суда г. Твери от 11.05.2016);
Poster with picture of human, who looks similar to president of Russian Federation V.V. Putin, who got makeup: made up eyelashes and lips, which according to the author's intentions should be a hint of allegedly non-standard sexual orientation of president of Russian Federation. Text under picture (reproduced with saving features of spelling and punctuation, with hidden obscene vocabulary): "Voters of Putin as ...: seems like there is many of them, but I don't have any among my contacts", posted at 7 May 2014 in a social network "" under account with nickname "Alexander Tsvetkov" (Central Tver's oblast court judgment from 2016-05-11).
Well, that's even linked in WP article, so you can call it self-reference only if you admit that Ministry of Justice of Russia website operated by WP and WP has direct influence on Russian courts. Razer:
This is bullshit propaganda. I LUV the screenshot of ""
You know where "Ua" is? Ukraine.
The Washington post self-referencing one of it's own articles about gay protesters arrested and beaten was laughable too.
A while back I checked on one bar smashing incident (Saint Petersburg, with a HUGE LGBT population), and the bartender said, quite plainly, "I don't know who they were. But their accents weren't from around here.
No. That didn't come from The Bezos-CIA axis media. It came from a local newspaper I ran through a translator.
Soros money at work paying thugs to smash gay bars... Which is EXACTLY WHY ANYONE WHO TALKS ABOUT LGBT is considered a criminal. Because there are no laws prohibiting who fucks whom, and anyone who wants to make it a topic of discussion HAS a PAID agenda.
Awww! So your child get to choose without pressure EITHER way. 'abusive'.
The propaganda also helps the Pentagon, desperate for soldiers, get LGBT recruits who are stupid enough to believe that joining an imperial army is "Liberation", but that's not enough to convince folks, so the CIA's propaganda mill throws them some "Red Meat" BS story about Gay harassment in Russia. Over and over and over again.
Just like they're using the words "Gas Attack" at Idlib over and over and over again despite the known fact there was no "Gas Attack" at all. Pavlovian bullshit.
On 04/05/2017 08:25 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "PFIR (People For Internet Responsibility) Announcement List" < <>> Date: Apr 5, 2017 22:18 Subject: [ PFIR ] It's now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown
It's now illegal in Russia to share an image of Putin as a gay clown <>
Russia has banned a picture depicting President Vladimir Putin as a potentially gay clown. Russian news outlets are having trouble reporting exactly which image of the Internet's many Putin-gay-clown memes is now illegal to share. Because, you know, it's been banned. But the picture was described last week on the Russian government's list of things that constitute "extremism."
- - -
Oh, God! I can't share Putin-gay-clown images anymore! What will I do in my free time?! :-o
The guy isn't smart, hahaha!! Censorship banning a meme is pretty stupid. He's begging for a viral, woohoo!! :D
# Cute Bonus: - There are long months, I am waiting for this battle. I'm Japanese. It's in my genetics to love giant robots with passion! :D
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