On Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 9:32 PM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
(say, $500 billion), Congress should raise it $XYZ-million per day. Thus
Sorry, but debt is supposed to be something incurred in a time of need which you are generally able to repay in a mutually acceptable timeframe. When you start pushing 100yr schedules, you're approaching lifetimes of humans and govts themselves, funny that structuring ;-) The US can't repay $18T to anyone in 10 or 25 or maybe even 50 years without cutting everything else it does to near zero. And that doesn't include it's unfunded liablilties. And for the idiots out there... paying debt out of, or mooting debt via, "growth" is unrealistic... the geopolitical competitive status (and the closed cycle nature of) the planet precludes that kind of growth. Interest rates are backwards, housing is still rape, etc. Economists these days have to be liek WTF bro? Have fun, suckers... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_position_of_the_United_States
a weekly vote of Congress, one in which only a 50% vote in both houses is necessary and sufficient, cannot be filibustered and one which Obama doesn't get to veto. ...
The Govt doesn't agree to your terms. It will have to get seriously fubar before it does. And at that point you're done anyways. History...