21 Feb
21 Feb
10:47 p.m.
Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com Tue Feb 21 14:32:00 PST 2017
I don't understand this guy, uff... :(
Seems like you don't understand laws or logic, either. Seems fitting for a "law"yer. The key to understanding is in the title of your post: Deport [faggots] Crossing Border Illegally, Regardless of [who the fuck they are]. Sounds about right to me. Unless you want to end up like Elin Krantz (2011): https:// google. fr/search?q=Elin+Krantz&tbm=isch&sa=G&gbv=1&sei=R8OsWKbgOoG5Uv-PibAK