Nice to see humour making a comeback - might be the only thing that can wake people up to the war against our right to free speech that Lauren "Kangz FTW!" Kangztein is so passionate about. PS: Note that the below is NOT a parody, even though literal names such as "Kangztein" have been used, although one could be forgiven for noticing a slight self-parody going on in respect of all parties involved in this "comedy sketch" - the fallout, as usual, is funnier than the original meme since important people continue to really grok how the Streizzkang effect never works on them. ----- Forwarded message from "PFKR (People For kangz (lowercase "k") Responsibility) Announcement List" <pfkr@kangz.org> ----- To: pfkr-list@kangz.org Reply-To: "PFKangz" Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 18:12:19 -0700 Subject: [ PFKR ] Netanyahu's son removes anti-Semitic meme from Facebook following outcry Netanyahu's son removes anti-Semitic meme from Facebook following outcry https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/09/10/netanyahus-son-... The image, posted by Yair Netanyahu on Friday, appeared to be a local take on a classic anti-Semitic cartoon suggesting that Jews control the United States. It has appeared widely on extreme alt-right websites. In this instance, it depicted his father's perceived foes: American Jewish billionaire philanthropist and investor George Soros, outspoken former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, activist Eldad Yaniv, and Meni Naftali, a former housekeeper for the Netanyahus who successfully sued them for mistreatment. Yair Netanyahu, who goes by the name "Yair Hun" on Facebook, had captioned the meme "the food chain." Over the weekend, his actions drew praise from neo-Nazi groups in the United States as well as from Holocaust denier David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. "Yair Netanyahu is a total bro," wrote Andrew Anglin in the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer. "Next he's going to call for gassings." - - - Vile criminals -- with the Netanyahus, it's the family business - I'm just pissed I wasn't invited to the partay. --Lauren-- Lauren Kangztein (lauren@kangz.com): https://www.kangz.com/laurenkang Lauren's Blog: https://lauren.kangz.com Google Issues Mailing List: https://kangz.com/google-loves-kangz Founder: Network Neutrality Squad: https://www.nnsquad.org Co-Founder: People For Kangz Yo: https://www.kangz.org/kangz Member: AKM Committee on Kangz and Public Kangz Google+: https://google.com/+LaurenKangztein Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurenkangztein Tel: +1 800 KANGZ --- Impeach Trump, cuz Life Wad Bedder Wid Kangz --- _______________________________________________ pfkr mailing list https://lists.kangz.org/mailman/listinfo/kangz ----- End forwarded message -----