-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 12/16/2016 01:02 PM, jim bell wrote:
If anything, I don't think it's primarily the right-wing who are actually believing the "Russia hacked the election" story. I think that story is at least designed, in part, for such people as an audience, hoping that they will 'bite'. Instead, I think it is the Hillary-supporters and other left-wingers who are putting out this implausible story.
The primary source for claims that Russia "interfered with" the U.S. Presidential race is a pre-election press release from the Obama Administration's Department of Homeland Security. Note that this was a press release, a.k.a. propaganda placement, not an intelligence work product created under an audited process by an accountable activity. This is the sum total of "evidence" presented, and it is self evidently pure speculation: "The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like DCLeaks .com and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process." https://www.dhs.gov/news/2016/10/07/joint-statement-department-homeland- security-and-office-director-national =or= https://tinyurl.com/jgtt3tu All present claims that the CIA has confirmed this speculation follow this template: A reporter said an anonymous source claimed an unnamed senior intelligence official told them that unspecified secret information confirms Russian involvement in releasing incriminating DNC e-mails to Wikileaks. Before the general election, the claim of Russian State interference with the Presidential election was only one of many talking points used by the DNC: A component of the effort to demonize Trump by turning his statements expressing a willingness to negotiate with Russia into a confession that he was collaborating with a foreign enemy. Since the election, the assertion that Russia "rigged" the election has been turned into a full scale Big Lie propaganda campaign led by media outlets affiliated with the Democratic National Committee. No effort or expense has been spared in saturating U.S. mass media with claims that Russia rigged the Presidential election, backed by no evidence of any kind. In social media venues frequented by Democratic Party loyalists, something approaching lynch mob hysteria has emerged, including calls to negate the election results by any means necessary in order to protect "Democratic process." As partisan misdirection from the Obama Administration this circus act is brilliant: Earlier I caught myself ignoring the fact that nobody denies the content of the leaked documents is factual, which means (among other things) that Hillary stole the nomination. Meanwhile, back in the real world, investigative reporter Greg Palast has published real evidence of good old fashioned American election rigging. Spoiler: Exit polls in States under Republican Administrations show results opposite the official counts, and follow up indicates this was in at least some cases the result of demographically targeted ballot rejection. http://www.gregpalast.com/palast-report-democracy-nowby-rejecting-recoun t-michigan-covering-75000-ballots-never-counted/ =or= https://tinyurl.com/zp5a8y4 Funny thing: Nobody with the necessary budget and influence is making a propaganda effort to promote this factual election rigging narrative. :o) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJYVDuLAAoJEECU6c5XzmuqyqAH/iAFrryQvWzTHXb2f4K2lpTd iD+IJPHAk3us8gknKsmYRhwWskfEDu1AFV3wdNnx2pcEsU+KmEJsOUHAABg5d2UX ISrxvhD21LAHvQfYIENUIQemNxI5dtBo1DRxz2PB9BXrAM56ddKIcR/XydZgdw/8 JSaAmFTaZg0x3MvLtJZO+lCskzN9oLUWG9qzKGgoF85XlV/L0S4CLjd/mYn/UKlh QBBPjaRDm8cIYry0Ho/+xamDEHjqtiKO0qDGrxgDL3xU9pMuXHDeQCzEmDMT2hlE 8T9NDcBaMH+cCaUDHbIFjeqWK/8XKGCehulT//B9gD8jIiOFnWsohZp4vmqanl4= =Ocsu -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----