https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGvO8b-tiaM Why Democrats Warmonger There's difference between giving stuff to or even joining someone (or not) in defending themselves upon being asked to do so (or on human nature to help if incapacitated inability to ask)... and initiating new aggression across new borders yourself. Westerns, in series of escalating rhetoric and action more recently marked by Biden Austin Pelosi Boris politicians etc, are reaching toward that. Rhetoric is everything and West not only hardly making big public speeches on peacemaking, de-escalate, humanitarian, etc, but is making risky endeavours to warmaking... instead of just completing Zelensky's Amazon shopping cart. Putin's rhetoric is just as broken too. East is also completing Putin's Alibaba shopping cart, so nobody can say that both are not doing that. Same with both starting foreign legions, etc. Neutrals can do or say nothing, let one side or other get slaughtered or owned or left in simmering mashup for 1000 years, eventually perhaps to themselves too. In the end, no people's are free under West or East or anywhere else, and will not be free till they free their minds and remove their own governments and religions which have started all wars in history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U3lEc-IFr8 The real danger