On 2/22/2017 1:53 PM, Marina Brown wrote:
Most lynchings were just like the murder of Emmett Till. The man was wrongfully accused of hitting on a white woman and murdered for it
Emmet did hit on her - just not in the crude and offensive way he was wrongfully accused of doing. But murders are not lynchings. You are apt to be murdered today regardless of race for hitting on another man's woman even if you do not do so in a crude and offensive way. Emmett Till was killed furtively and secretively, not lynched. Happens today all the time, regardless of race. For it to be a lynching, has to be done openly with social approval. The accusation is that it was socially acceptable for white people to openly kill blacks for frivolous cause. Name a black man who was wrongfully lynched - killed openly and publicly for with social approval for frivolous cause.
The movie "The birth of a nation" showed how white people liked to murder black people and use the excuse of rape. All too real.
Liar. "The birth of a nation" depicts black men who actually did rape women being rightfully and justly hung for their crimes. In every actual real life lynching, where the offender was executed publicly and openly with social approval, there was reasonable evidence of serious criminal offenses. And if there was a single case where the evidence was thin or the offense trivial, you would be using that case, not Emmett Till.