23 Feb
23 Feb
12:24 p.m.
traffick boss is maybe a cyberpunk space slinger and is wrestling a temporal rift in the quantum substrate his ankle is stuck in the temporal rift his trusty android sidekick — 1639 02-22 02-23 0719-0500 traffick boss is a rugged electrical tinkerer, enchanted by dark wizards he wears a cabbie hat while he bends over a broken pcb with a soldering iron dim light creeps in through a dusty cobweb’d fractured window, but a glow emanates from the adjustable worklight clipped to his bench, its bulb as low his bent neck to the pcb traffick boss: “[atopical quip maybe as if an older inventor in a kids scifi drama, like “when i augment this pcb with my flux wire, the demonators won’t know what to do!”