Unless a Snowden-like WB comes forward its quite unlikely to have internal documents admitting their limits. However, there are a number of relatively recent academic papers that look at this battle of limits from a jamming and other perspectives. They mostly indicate that with the proper covert tech and channel conditions its practical to avoid detection LPI and intercept LPI.

I'll try to illuminate some of this and other issues (e.g., key exchange) in later posts.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2019, 9:17 PM Punk - Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Mon, 28 Oct 2019 11:33:28 +0000
Steven Schear <schear.steve@gmail.com> wrote:

> Despite massive SIGINT investments she is at disadvantage but the
> intel agency narratives would have others believe they are all-seeing
> all-knowing.

        the same 'intelligence' agency, aka the americunt govcorp, will have you believe that their honeypots like the tor network are 'safe' and 'protect the human rights of 'journalists''

        so what's needed here is actual knowdlegde of their 'capabilities. Your assumption that they are just bragging is complete bullshit.