On Thu, 17 Dec 2015 16:52:54 +0200 Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 03:39:13AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
Eric Posner, the fourth most-cited law professor in the U.S., says the government may need to jail you if you even visit an ISIS site after enough warnings. He says, "Never before in our history have enemies
So the "freedom of speech" is practically dead since long time in the u$a.
Not at all!! They have full 'freedom of speech'. That doesn't mean they have any freedom of hearing. See, that's the logic of western 'liberals'. Think about people in 'solitary confinement'. Are they free to say whatever they want? Of course! (as long they are not literally gagged). Whether other people can listen to them is a different story. But anyway, that's the beauty of liberal anglo-american freedom!
Now the right to read is going the same way.
If I were ISIS, I would spam all of the u$a with copies of their sites. Having in mind their trade with oil, they can afford it.
Or maybe some hidden <IFRAME>s on popular u$a sites.
Especially for @juan _GNU_ reading:
The Right to Read
by Richard Stallman
Yes. Well. You know the saying "a broken clock is right twice a day" thing is, stallman remains his own sorry parody https://stallman.org/articles/why-we-need-a-state.html the guy is a good programmer and a fucking totalitarian asshole who laughably fancies himself a 'master' of 'ethics' Let me connect a couple of dots : "We need a state for...defending the nation;" <--- war cry of american fascim. https://taler.net/ "Electronic payments for a liberal society!" <--- 'liberal' insert here web search for "liberal democrats obama"