The "Alt-Right". AKA Fascist AKA NeoNazis...

Attempting to convince young people that racism, antisemitism, and bigotry, are 'hip'.

Most of the students who were there came to protest.

Gavin McInnes arrived on stage to a chorus of boos. He semi-ironically began his speech by saying he came to discuss the Jew, the black and the Mexican. Beneath his ironic exterior, we knew that his rhetoric about political correctness is only a cover for white supremacy. NYC Antifa reported on Twitter that outside, Proud Boys “sieg heiled the crowd while protected by police.” Protesters continually heckled McInnes as he rambled incoherently about Margaret Thatcher and Argentina.

He then told the crowd that he was pepper sprayed with a water gun. “When I was sprayed I thought, ‘maybe it was acid,’ but then I remembered this isn’t Islam.” That was the breaking point. Many of our classmates and friends who are Muslim have been directly affected by Trump’s Islamophobic travel ban. Chants of “Fuck you” and “Whose campus? Our campus!” drowned out McInnes’s speech.

The dean repeatedly took the mic from McInnes, telling protesters to quiet down because we need to “respect free speech.” We yelled at the dean too, telling him there is no free speech for Nazis. The last time this happened, McInnes said to the dean, “You are ridiculous sir. You are a dumb liberal asshole. You’re a beta male cuck.” That was it. The dean tolerated and even supported McInnes’s racist hate speech, but would not stand for his personal insult and humiliation.

Security escorted McInnes out of the room.
