On 01/08/2017 05:49 PM, Zenaan Harkness
Ground zero showed no building submersion:
Didn't need to be 'submerged' just undermined. And We were
discussing WTC 7. Not the towers.
Along with numerous reports of explosions by first responders who
brought out the first survivors from the WTC lobbies.
Thermite flakes in the dust
So? Thermite is mostly aluminum, or should I say "metal powder, fuel
and metal oxide". There literally thousands of combinations of dusts
that could fit that description, especially when mixed with jet fuel
from a disintegrated, partly aluminum composited aircraft.
, explosions heard from the elevators,
The fucking building was creaking, and swaying in the breeze (see
the earlier post with the construction dilemmas posed by the WTC's
construction. High winds was one of the problems), and slowly
collapsing. and the floors pancaking on each other.
What do you suppose that sounds like? Crickets chirping?
lots more links and info on the above page.
Anyone with a name like "Yeshua" is most likely a White Identity
Xtian and is unlikely to be providing any worthwhile information on
the subject because most of them can't even read no less subject
what they read to anything resembling critical analysis.