On 1/13/23, professor rat <pro2rat@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
Everyone an assassinbird?
A world of people are growing in the general direction of a concept which has been theorized published debated decades before yet which most of these new minds haven't heard of yet, thus they are not yet able to articulate and name what it is that they may end up describing. What form these global motions will take is yet unknown. " Eliezer Yudkowsky @ESYudkowsky That's not the proposal; the proposal is to have a conditional-prediction-market like 'stock price conditional on the CEO being fired' and 'stock price conditional on the CEO not being fired'. Jim Rutt @jim_rutt Not illegal to fire CEO for stock market performance. Just embed it into employment contract. Eliezer Yudkowsky @ESYudkowsky Reminder: the obvious thing to do about CEO performance variation is fire-the-CEO conditional stock markets, a drum @robinhanson has been beating forever; and which is of course illegal just like the vast majority of all possible innovation is now illegal. Ethan Mollick @emollick 19 Dec 2022 There has been a debate in the academic literature about how much the CEO affects firm performance, but more recent work suggests very large effects. Up to a third of firm performance stems from the CEO, with shorter-tenure CEOs having the biggest impact. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/smj.3453 Robbier @Raybungle Long term seniority exchange. Election cycles too. " " Transportation, deliveries, housing, food, finance, energy, infrastructure, governance: all can and should be provided peer-to-peer with no government involvement. All people deserve to exit broken systems. We are building a destination they can exit to. Arcade City. " Everyone, soon, indeed.