Ty grump my little pumpkin for the wonderful web link . Port of SEA is doing this for the safety of it's citizens and to get rid of illegals living there. Liberal policies have turned the city into a shit hole.

-------- Original Message --------
On Mar 20, 2020, 8:04 AM, grarpamp < grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:


"***All*** of the comments from the public to the Port Commission on
this issue, as members of the Commission acknowledged, were opposed to
the Port collaborating with CBP on facial recognition or spending Port
money to do so. The Port issued a detailed, self-congratulatory press
release within minutes after the vote, which strongly suggests that
Port staff knew how the Commissioners would vote before today’s
charade by the Commissioners of taking comments from the public and
“debating” the issue even began. Today’s decision by the Port of
Seattle Commission sets the worst possible national precedent."

Seattle Port Commission reneges on its “principles” for facial recognition

[CBP sign at biometric boarding gate at Newark Liberty International
Airport. Note the absence of the OMB Control Number and other notices
required by the Paperwork Reduction Act.]
Repudiating the principles for assessment of biometric identification
of travelers it adopted in December 2019, and effectively mooting the
policy development process it had begun since then, the Port of
Seattle Commission voted unanimously today to authorize a $5 million,
ten-year contract to purchase and install Port-owned common-use
cameras and facial recognition stations at all 30 departure gates of a
new international terminal.

The Port issued a detailed, self-congratulatory press release within
minutes after the vote, which strongly suggests that Port staff knew
how the Commissioners would vote before today’s charade by the
Commissioners of taking comments from the public and “debating” the
issue even began.

Behind the scenes, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) appears to
have been playing hardball, using the typical law enforcement line of,
“We’re going to do this to you anyway. You can either choose to make
it easy for us, or we’ll make it hard on you.” The Seattle Times
reported after the Port Commission vote that CBP recently began
fingerprinting non-U.S. citizens boarding some international flights
at Sea-Tac Airport. It seems likely that the implicit or explicit
threat by CBP was that if the airport didn’t install and deploy
automated facial recognition to track passengers, CBP would use a more
humiliating form of biometric tracking, fingerprinting departing
non-U.S. citizens the way it already fingerprints non-U.S. citizens
when they arrive in the U.S.

The choice for the airport and its governing board was whether to
collaborate with CBP. Port Commissioners seemed to want to reign in
CBP. But at the end of the day, they proved unwilling to assert their
authority as an elected public oversight board against the malign
convergence of interest between government agencies, airlines, and
Port staff who identify with the police and the airline industry more
than with the public. The Port Commissioners chose to have the
airport actively collaborate with and front for CBP, at the airport’s
expense, rather than dissociating itself from CBPs flagrantly illegal
activities, making CBP do its own dirty work at its own expense, or
trying to mitigate the damage through signage informing travelers of
their rights.

The Port press release claims that “the Commission’s goal is to
replace CBP”, but that’s clearly false and appears intended to mislead
the public. In fact, the sole purpose of the cameras and software to
be purchased by the Port is to augment, not replace, the ability of
CBP to use, retain, and share photos as its sees fit. Every photo of a
traveler taken by the Port cameras will immediately be sent to CBP.
There’s no plan to replace CBP, deny it access to any photos, or
expose its secret algorithms and secret biometric databases.

All of the comments from the public to the Port Commission on this
issue, as members of the Commission acknowledged, were opposed to the
Port collaborating with CBP on facial recognition or spending Port
money to do so. Members of the public, including experts in
cybersecurity and threat modeling, pointed out that many key questions
about the Port’s proposal and CBP’s and airline’s practices, plans,
and policies remain unanswered. Most urged the Commission to reject
the proposal outright and withdraw its request for bids for facial
recognition equipment. All commenters agreed that approval of the
procurement contract would be premature until more information is made
available to the public and the current policy development process is

In our latest written comments to the Port Commission today, which we
summarized in person at today’s meeting (see also our previous
submissions to the Port Commission on December 10, 2019, and February
25, 2020), we pointed out that:

The proposed procurement and deployment would violate Federal law,
the norms of Fair Information Practices (FIPPs), and the professed
“principles”, including FIPPs, of both the Port and US Customs and
Border Protection (CBP). It should be rejected, and the RFP for this
project should be withdrawn or, at a minimum, postponed….

It isn’t just that CBP is violating the Privacy Act, or that
collecting facial images and sending them to CBP would make the Port
complicit in this violation of Federal law. The violation of the
Privacy Act by CBP lies specifically in CBP’s outsourcing the
collection of this personal data to the Port, airlines, or any other
non-Federal entities.

This provision was and is included in the Privacy Act for good
reason. The Port should heed it, and make CBP comply with Federal law
by collecting any personal data it uses for making decisions about
individuals, including facial images of travelers, directly from those
individuals. CBP could collect this data itself at Sea-Tac, as it does
at some other airports. It doesn’t want to, but it has clearly
demonstrated that it could do so.

If there is one lane at a departure gate, or on arrival, where a
uniformed CBP agent is photographing travelers, and one lane without a
Federal law enforcement officer with a camera, travelers will have a
much clearer and more informed choice – and one that, unlike the
proposal before the Port Commission, might comply with the Privacy

Port Commissioners claimed, quite implausibly, to think that having
the Port install and operate the cameras would give the Port some
control of how CBP uses the photos after the Port sends them on, or at
least more control over signage. But CBPs “Biometric Air Exit Business
Requirements” for its airline and airport “partners”, which were
finally disclosed only two days ago in response to our request, and
were never provided to or reviewed by the Port’s “Biometrics External
Advisory Group” (BEAG), tell a different story about who’s in control.
As we explained in our comments:

Some Port staff, in their proposals to the BEAG and the Port
Commission, have suggested that by owning and operating facial
recognition systems the Port would have more control over signage and
other notices provided to the public to enable more informed consent
and mitigate the harm to the public of CBP’s (illegal) activities.

But in fact, the proposed procurement would have exactly the
opposite effect. By agreeing to comply with CBP’s “Requirements” –
which are explicitly incorporated by reference in the RFP and the
proposal for action by the Port Commission – the Port would be tieing
its own hands and committing itself to display CBP’s signs –
regardless of their truth or falsehood or their compliance with the
law – and not to display any signage, make any announcements, or
provide any information not approved by CBP.

Item 8 of CBP’s “Requirements” would prohibit the Port from
posting any signs or distributing any communications pertaining to
CBP’s use of biometrics without CBP’s prior approval.

Item 13 of CBP’s “Requirements” would obligate the Port to post
whatever signage CBP demands, regardless of whether the Port considers
it inaccurate, misleading, or incomplete.

In effect, these provisions would amount to a (self-imposed) gag
order not to criticize CBP, and a (self-imposed) agreement to serve as
a mouthpiece for CBP propaganda, regardless of its truth or falsehood.
Rather than enabling the Port to mitigate the harms of CBP’s (illegal)
practices through more or better signs or announcements, the proposed
action by the Port Commission would prevent the Port from doing so.

If CBP fails – as it has failed to date at Sea-Tac and all other
airports with biometric departure gates – to post the notices required
by the Paperwork Reduction Act, informing individuals, regardless of
citizenship or immigration status, of their right not to respond to
any Federal collection of information that does not display a valid
OMB Control Number and PRA notice, the Port itself should post such
notices at all gates. But the Port won’t be able to do so without CBP
approval (which wouldn’t be likely to be granted) if the Port
Commission approves the proposal on your agenda for action today.

Port Commissioners approved a motion declaring that CBP’s uses of
facial recognition at airports are “lawful”, while simultaneously and
hypocritically dismissing our objections to CBP’s flagrant violations
of Federal law by saying that, “We’re not judges. If a court says it’s
illegal, we won’t do it.” This ignores the fact that, as we also noted
in our comments, CBP and DHS have promulgated regulations exempting
the databases in which they store facial images from the rights
otherwise available to individuals under the Privacy Act to access,
accounting of disclosures, and civil remedies for violations. This
makes it all but impossible to have CBP’s practices reviewed by the

Today’s decision by the Port of Seattle Commission sets the worst
possible national precedent. But it doesn’t render the Port’s ongoing
process of developing policies for use of biometrics at Sea-Tac
entirely irrelevant. We will continue to monitor the process and
engage with the Port Commission as it considers use of facial
recognition (in collaboration with, and sending passenger photos to,
CBP and perhaps in the future the TSA) by airlines and other
commercial entities for their own purposes.

As we noted in response to the first draft of a Port of Seattle policy
for “non-Federally mandates” uses of biometrics:

Missing from that draft is any explanation of the purpose or
justification for airlines to identify passengers, independent of any
Federal mandate.

Airlines could, and did, operate for decades without requesting ID
from passengers. Airlines began asking (but not requiring) passengers
to identify themselves only when they were ordered to do so by the FAA
(the predecessor of the TSA). The only lawful reason for airlines to
ask passengers for ID is to satisfy a government mandate.

As common carriers, airlines are required to transport all
passengers, regardless of who they are, and are required to sell
tickets at prices determined by a public tariff.

An airline cannot lawfully “reserve the right to refuse service”.
It cannot lawfully personalize prices or charge different prices based
on passengers’ identities.

So why do airlines think they “need” to identify passengers at
all, by any means?

One cannot assess the justification (or lack thereof) for
biometric identification of travelers for non-Federally mandated
purposes without first assessing the justification (or lack thereof)
for identification of travelers generally for such purposes.

This assessment is entirely absent from the draft recommendations
for Port policy, but is essential.