PS., the TDS BBS/forum, requires JavaShaft unfortunately. It's on my agenda to write them a new one, but that's probably about 4 years away from today. When I get the rare moment to get on there, I do ONLY some TDS browsing and posting, after enabling JavaShaft, then disable when done and completely shut down the TBB (Tor Browser Bundle), and do NO other browsing at the same time. EVEN if you use profiles (say, one JS-enabled profile for TDS, another JS-disabled profile for all other sites), if ANY SINGLE WEBSITE or profile has JavaScript enabled, you must consider yourself identified - ID is a per-host thing (your phone is a "host" computer BTW!). So, be very careful. If you're not up on cryptsetup (or Veracrypt if you demand a GUI), then you need to be. If you do not encrypt your home directory and disable non-encrypted swap, then you really need to install TBB "relocatable" (this is default with the TorProject download) inside an encrypted volume. ALL sensitive encrypted files for upload AND download MUST be kept in encrypted volumes (preferably with detached headers stored in a master vol - make sure this is backed up though :D) Then also read up on the Topproject.org FAQs on how to increase security, which is a start, then come back here for any questions, and no doubt the BatSoup n.gger will set you straight on how bad your security is and how stupid you are for even thinking of using or in any way trusting TBB ;D Good luck and stay safe, Your not so friendly security N.ggerBot On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 02:20:37PM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
Dude, folks normally assume a desktop. Bad assuption these days I guess.
BEFORE loading any Tor sites, but after installing, DISABLE JAVASCRIPT!
Tor n.ggers do not do this setting by default, on the basis that they want Tor Browser to be more popular.
In reality, it is a trap to catch newcomers, and even old timers who install on a new device or etc.
The Tor n.ggers also enable JavaShaft by default on every other Tor Browser platform too. You have been warned.
Really, that's as n.ggardly as it gets!
Be careful out in the real world.. lotta n.ggers out there.
On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 10:19:29PM -0400, Karl wrote:
I had a dream once where I was spamming a cryptography list talking about a dream, where a surveillance worker was watching a crypto hacker who had been targeted as a terrorist, taking notes on them over breakfast when they didn't actually need to be working. The story was they were taken off the case because they were displaying care for the suspect.
I am in a bind around installing Tor on my phone but I expect to resolve it within 9-15 months, possibly an hour.
On Fri, Jul 17, 2020, 10:01 PM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Fri, 17 Jul 2020 13:06:06 -0400 Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 16, 2020, 3:37 AM Zig the N.g <ziggerjoe@yandex.com> wrote:
Andrew Anglin continues his globalist shilling rather than uniting the troops behind the nationalist, pro White fertility agenda.
whaaat who the heck is andrew and why are you talking about them?
"andrew anglin" is harkness' favourite white supremacist.