With Lots Of Love  (another kind of LOL, haha!!)  for you, my dear Juan!  :)

I love to annoy you.  Take care and have a lovely night, fool.  The Fool is Mirimir's favorite tarot card, but mine always will be The World, dear.

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From: "PFIR (People For Internet Responsibility) Announcement List" <pfir@pfir.org>
Date: Jul 24, 2016 11:30 PM
Subject: [ PFIR ] Off-Topic: Donald Trump&apos;s and Vladimir Putin&apos;s Shared Agenda Should Alarm Anyone Concerned About Democracy
To: <pfir-list@pfir.org>

Off-Topic: Donald Trump's and Vladimir Putin's Shared Agenda Should Alarm Anyone Concerned About Democracy


        In brief: In his business dealings, He, Trump seems
        increasingly dependent on money from Russia and from the
        former Soviet republics within its increasingly active sphere
        of influence. This is because most of the big banks on this
        side of the pond won't go near him without HazMat suits. (Gee,
        could it be that his sudden emergence as a Warren-esque
        crusader against the "rigged system" of the banksters is less
        of a principled opposition and simply pure animal vengeance?
        Unpossible!) As Marshall points out, this isn't exactly a deep
        corporate secret ... Marshall presents a judicious but
        comprehensive bill of indictment as regards He, Trump's
        relationship with Putin. He doesn't allege direct complicity,
        only a mutuality of interest that should alarm anyone
        concerned about the stability of American democracy. He also
        carefully traces the connections to Russia of several of He,
        Trump's crucial advisors. (I knew about Paul Manafort's
        connection to Putin's Ukrainian marionette, but the
        relationship that Carter Page, one of the campaign's key
        foreign-policy advisers, to Gazprom, the Russian energy
        behemoth that Putin controls, was a new one for me.) He shies
        away from the more baroque conspiracy theories, although I
        don't think the notion that Russian intelligence was behind
        the hack-and-release of 20,000 internal DNC e-mails at exactly
        the right time is that far-fetched.  This should be the only
        story about the Trump campaign until he comes clean.