PS:  -  Quinn contacted me in private and he was not talking about me.  Sorry again, Quinn!  :P

I asked him to apologize me and I was sincere, but I still think that using a Federal Court to judge a person trying to read a list and not using the same courts to judge persons who created that site is really bizarre. 

Here, the would be judged for three different crimes against  (a person's)  honor, at least.  They and the Tor Project would spend a considerable amount of money paying civil and criminal indenizations.

Being sincere, I really don't know who tried to re-subscribe using another account or if it was just another lie.  You all know, everybody in the Tor Project loves "alleged victims" that never show proofs, hihi...  ;)

In private, some people said they didn't try subscribe again.  I swear I did not, so I don't know if someone really tried to subscribe using threats or not.

Juan and I had some private conversation yesterday night about moderation and I think he understands me better now.  He doesn't agree, but now understands my points and my jokes about being a veggie girl, hihi...  ;)

The world is becoming pretty boring in some moments, uff...  :-/