Honduras launches 'Bitcoin Valley' in the tourist town of Santa Lucia, a project that seeks to establish a Bitcoin circular economy. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/honduras-launches-bitcoin-valley-tour... Brazilian authorities challenge NFT company Nemus after it claims ownership to land in the Amazon, allegedly pressures Indigenous people to sign documents they could not read http://robosats6tkf3eva7x2voqso3a5wcorsnw34jveyxfqi2fu7oyheasid.onion/ Bi-Partisan Bill Introduced by two US Senators for Tax-Free Crypto Payments up to $50, lol https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/29/deloitte-75-percent-of-retailers-plan-to-acc... Starting next week, Israel will prohibit cash transactions above $4,400 and business transactions above $1,760. https://www.vendus.pt/blog/limites-pagamentos-numerario/ https://m.jpost.com/business-and-innovation/banking-and-finance/article-7133... https://cfxmagazine.com/israel-prohibits-cash-deals-for-amounts-starting-as-... Be your own bank: U.S.Bank pulls a WellsFargo... illegally used customer data to create sham accounts to inflate sales numbers for the last decade. Now they've been fined $37.5 million plus interest on unlawfully collected fees. https://decrypt.co/36731/heres-why-coinbase-still-hasnt-listed-monero Episode #307 Lex Fridman Brian Armstrong Coinbase Monero XMR https://youtu.be/VBPTFlpv31k?t=1h23m08s Lex asks about the issues around listing Monero and privacy coins in general. Brian starts with explaining it's about compliance with AML capabilities, in order to keep financial licenses. He then briefly shills zcash, but overall says he think privacy coins are really important, because financial privacy is critical and hopes they succeed. Coinbase has a blockchain analytics business that sells services to the government. Monero is not good for its business. It’s honestly strange to me that coinbase won’t list it if kraken has no problems with it Exactly. The excuses fall a bit flat while Kraken keeps it listed. https://coinfomania.com/twitter-bounty-showed-that-zcash-can-be-traced/ https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.01210 https://twitter.com/zooko/status/863202798883577856 Some have debunked Original /u/singularity87 text from 4-5 years ago follows: https://www.yours.org/content/the-bitcoin-scaling-wars---part-1---the-dark-a... https://www.unddit.com/r/btc/comments/7ek9u1/the_bitcoin_scaling_wars_part_1... https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/bitcoin-core-supporter-threatens-zero-day-ex... https://pastebin.com/BkvRHjAN <-- dead Dragon’s Den is outed. http:// [censored ] /Inside-the-Dragons-Den-Bitcoin-Cores-Troll-Army-04-07 07.04.17 https://archive.ph/xV2d6 Core (Especially Peter Todd) demonises dev for releasing bug that they were told about months earlier but did not fix... https://youtu.be/O9QZ1ka6d64?t=10760 https://youtu.be/O9QZ1ka6d64?t=10952 Bitfinex links with Blockstream. youtube backup of soundcloud... https://youtu.be/EpoiNof21fA?t=4180 https://archive.ph/TkUus “Right in the height of the bitcoin bubble, the Paradise Papers comes out and shows that Tether and Bitfinex are controlled by the same people,” said Kyle Roche, the lead attorney filing the complaint. “The fact that this overlapping ownership structure was hidden until November 2017 is shocking.” https://www.icij.org/investigations/paradise-papers/paradise-papers-connecti... https://imgur.com/a/sfkkZtP Even more stuff has gone on since then. I am working on a part two. You can see sources for that here. • Using the HK agreement to stall miners from adopting bitcoin classic (then reneging) https://medium.com/@bitcoinroundtable/bitcoin-roundtable-consensus-266d475a6... 20.02.16 • Samson Mow says that bitcoin is not for the poor. https://twitter.com/excellion/status/783994642463326208 06.16.16 https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/bitcoin-core-supporter-threatens-zero-day-ex... • Luke-Jr seems to suggest he would be fine with Jihan being executed. https://twitter.com/lukedashjr/status/922001578093051905 22.10.17 • Blockstream attacks NYA’s with legal threats regarding bitlicense https://twitter.com/Excellion/status/916491407270879232 06.10.17 • Theymos threatens to write to the SEC. https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/57739e/bitcoin_hard_fork_poison_pil... 2017 • Matt Corallo writes to the SEC to make Core’s BTC the “official” btc. https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-nysearca-2017-06/nysearca201706-161046.htm 11.09.17 • Bitcoin.org creates an enemies list that includes a significant portion of the bitcoin economy. https://bitcoin.org/en/alert/2017-10-09-segwit2x-safety 09.17 • Peter Todd announces a bug in BU that had already been found and fixed that was released. https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5zgefe/this_was_an_orchestrated_attack/ https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5zfz18/editorial_on_peter_todd_and_the_... https://twitter.com/petertoddbtc/status/841703197723021312 03.17 • Core (Especially Peter Todd) demonises dev for releasing bug that they were told about months earlier but did not fix. https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6z827o/chris_jeffrey_jj_discloses_bitco... https://youtube.com?v=0WCaoGiAOHE&t=2h59m19s https://youtube.com?v=0WCaoGiAOHE?t=3h2m32s Todd berating Chris. 10.09.17 • Core attack Bcoin/LN devs for Extension Blocks. https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/63cnt0/my_monthsold_post_on_why_ext... 04.17 • Segwit has very little community support but is pushed anyway. • Dragon’s Den is outed. [Censored] • Coinbase is attacked in r/bitcoin. • r/bitcoin created r/bcash and sends unsuspecting users to it. • Blockstream finally admit that their business model is in sidechains for banks and financial institutions (huge conflict of interest). https://twitter.com/laurashin/status/923302335731843072 25.10.17 • Rusty Russel provides research into block size and then pretends it never happened. https://rusty.ozlabs.org/?paged=2 https://medium.com/@rusty_lightning/dear-bitcoin-im-sorry-fees-will-rise-b00... 08.08.17 • Bitfinex links with Blockstream. https://soundcloud.com/elux-1/bitfinex-cso-phil-potter-in-fear-and-loathing-... • James Hilliard commits a malleability attack against the Bitcoin network as a false-flag attack to push segwit through. https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/5ylads/bitclub_launches_malleability_at... • Bitcoin Cash fork • r/bitcoin creates a sub r/bcash and forwards everyone to it. • BSCore pushes the ‘bcash’ narrative. • Trezor uses ‘bcash’ term. https://blog.trezor.io/bitcoin-cash-hard-fork-chain-split-safe-guide-abbe3e9... • Bitfinex uses ‘bcash’ term. [Censored] BU and EC Gains momentum to nearly 50% of the hashrate • Segwit 2X • New York Agreement https://medium.com/@DCGco/bitcoin-scaling-agreement-at-consensus-2017-133521... • UASF sybil attack BIP148. http://www.uasf.co • BIP91 James Hilliard https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0091.mediawiki • Segwit locked-in • Bait & Switch https://twitter.com/Excellion/status/895171980063854592 • Attacks on companies. • Xapo is attacked in r/bitcoin. https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/search?q=xapo&restrict_sr=on • After segwit is implemented as a compromise with a hard fork plan Core pretends that the hard fork plan has nothing to do with getting segwit implemented. • Bitfinex launches biases futures. • Companies back slowly back out. • S2X is cancelled. Fees skyrocket. Bitcoin Cash Moons.