On Thu, 16 Jul 2020 20:27:58 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
I posted it because I think it is an important development that Cypherpunks should be aware of.
is it?
We don't have to believe that Elon Musk is somehow idealogically-pure, to realize that what he is accomplishing will become important in the future.
OK. Let me be perfectly clear about what musko has accomplished. His 'accomplishments' are indeed noteworthy. https://mises.org/wire/elon-musk-crony-capitalist https://reason.com/2016/04/28/elon-musk-crony-capitalist/ https://spectator.org/elon-musk-king-of-the-crony-capitalists/ yes, that's what musko has achieved. He's earned the title of King of the Corporate Fascists, which means he's the most corrupt piece of statist shit in a thoroughly corrupt system. Notice that even leading fake 'libertarians' like moses.com and treason.com don't bother defending him. So musko as the "king of the crony capitalists" is the king of STATE AGENTS 'working' in the 'private sector'. Do you ackowledge the nature of musko, Jim?
Most people's Internet access is ultimately limited by whether the government of the region they live in tolerates it.
allowing the arpanet to spy on its victims is a high priority for all US vassal states (half the world or more). You don't know that?
Fortunately, in the large number of regions the government-in-power doesn't seem to actively interfere with internet access.
why would govcorp interfere with its own global spying network, the arpanet, which you're misspelling as 'internet'? See above. So Jim, your premise - access to the 'internet' is 'threatened' - is hilariously wrong.
Not quite a monopoly, call it an oligopoly. Elon Musk, by SpaceX, could accomplish a lot of good if he provides the means for anyone to get Internet access in regions where the government wants to restrict this.
See above.
He might even offer the SpaceX internet service for free in some extreme cases, such as Iran, Cuba, North Korea.
OK Jim, now you have accomplished something as well. You've earned the title of US GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA AGENT. Congratulations! Though in reality, what you is pretty sad.
(the tiny ground-stations might have to be smuggled in.) Jim Bell