traffick boss is put to sleep by a confused robot looking for success the confused robot captures a wild animal and surgically places it inside traffick boss's body, such that it takes him over
it then takes traffick-boss-with-wild-animal-forced-inside and brings to business meeting and wakes up confused surgical robot [releasing traffick boss with wild animal surgically placed inside him]: "is this better?"
meeting-goers: "something is still wrong"
i’d like to try to describe some of what i think this is likely about. i have an inner part that “violently” mocks me and my values. it’s similar to AI trolling and likely related to it. one of its functions is to reduce my skills. i have cognitive healing behaviors that i visualize different ways. one of these involves considering a juncture point of a part of my mind when there is an issue, and placing a model of how i feel things would go better or more healthily near the juncture point, and holding the intention of this influencing it to behave similarly (“neurons that fire together wire together”). the mocking part has a norm of trying to coopt my behaviors to build power over and in me, especially those of my behaviors that return power to me and my consciousness. (hearing it may worsen for a bit after this, maybe to discourage me from describing it critically (“boss is a hero on camera” concept)). so, when i try to do this healing behavior of placing a good pattern inside a struggling pattern, it gets in the way, pretending to be me and to act for me, and instead energizes the bad behavior. in the traffick boss stories, it considers traffick boss to be me, since its boss is a hero on camera rather than a criminal. so having a healing pattern place a wild animal inside boss to fix him, is like it placing a worse misbehaving pattern in a part of me i’m trying to address, to terrify me around improving my mind. :)