On 1/16/16, juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, 16 Jan 2016 20:48:10 +0000 Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
~Doug Casey, The Ascendance of Sociopaths in U.S. Governance
Are you quoting casey at face value or as an example of hollow libertarian rhetoric? I think the latter may be closer to the truth.
(though the bit about the US government being corrupt to the point of no return is correct)
Casey is supposed to be some kind of anarchist, yet the idea that a government(american or other) has been taken over by 'bad' people instead of being originally created by bad people, and being ineherently bad, is hardly in line with anarchist political analysis.
Damn it Juan! I was just about to post a "Thanks Razer, evidently there's no new thought under the sun" (and Razer, thanks regardless), then in true form, you point out a fundamental limitation in (in this case Casey's, and what I thought was my own) presented position. This highlights for me personally how programmed I am in my think, and how useful it is to be perpetually reminded of at least one or two of the limitations of said think. But shit, it's embarrassing how programmed I am... I sure f-ing hope -one- of these days I can give "the Juan clarification" (at least to myself/ in my head) before you yourself do so. Wow. (Still there's no new thought under the Sun, but how hard is it to shake one's programming.)