Check out my new article: https://litigationfinancejournal.com/singapore-ministry-of-laws-new-conditio... *Singapore Ministry of Law’s New Conditional Fee Agreement Framework * Today (May 4, 2022) marks a historic day in Singapore. Attorneys in Singapore can now enter into conditional fee agreements (CFA) under Singapore’s new CFA framework. The new CFA provisions are an addition to traditional fee agreements under Singapore’s Legal Profession Act. The new CFA framework in Singapore includes CFAs counter-party contracts such as “win, more fee”, “no win, no fee”, and “no win, less fee.” The new CFA framework <https://www.mlaw.gov.sg/news/press-releases/2022-04-29-framework-cfas-in-singapore-commence-4-may-2022> will apply to Singapore-based attorneys, and in some instances to foreign law practitioners. Mediation and arbitration will also be covered as part of the CFA framework. This will include partial coverage of Singapore International Criminal Court (SICC) proceedings. According to the Ministry of Law, the new CFA framework aims to help build out Singapore as a hub for litigation innovation, while enhancing aspects of the country’s legal system. As required by the Ministry of Law, attorneys have strict requirements associated with CFA agreements. Click here <https://www.mlaw.gov.sg/news/press-releases/2022-04-29-framework-cfas-in-singapore-commence-4-may-2022> to read the details in full.