On 12/05/2016 12:41 AM, Zenaan Harkness wrote over and over and over again like a proverbial right wing echo chamber of Limbaugh-ian dittioheads:

a quote from said site in support of your position please Razer

Umn... Those are the customer's complaints. I have no complaints.

You really need to read more about Goebbels propaganda machine. You fail, and fail badly to understand how disinformation and propaganda work. FIRST the person(s) targeted have to have a psychological or emotional attachment.

I could give a flying about Kelloggs

I could give even less of a flying about some right wing blog.

I think both need to be.... For want of a much harsher, violent term, redacted. And for about the same reason. One is unhealthy for the body, the other is unhealthy for the mind.


"What is to be abolished is not the reality principle; not everything, but such particular things as business, politics, exploitation, poverty." ~Herbert Marcuse, "Love Mystified", a critique of UCSC Philosophy professor Norman O. Brown