Hey niggers found this. 3301 and pics related. Cicada: A Distributed Direct Democracy and Decentralized Application Platform github.com/the-laughing-monkey/cicada-platform + /archive/master.zip ABSTRACT This paper outlines a revolutionary, open source, decentralized application platform (DAPP) along with its first major application, a distributed direct democracy (DDD). To create something scalable enough to run an entire nation with no representatives, we created two cutting edge technologies to serve as the foundation of the platform: 1] A decentralized, privacy guaranteeing Human Unique Identifier (HUID) unique to every person on the planet that returns control of personally identifying information (PII) back to individuals, allowing for revocable role based access control to that data. 2] A new Distributed Proof of Work (DPoW) backed blockchain that is immune to centralization because of a unified client/miner with only one miner allowed per person, linked anonymously to a HUID. Miners are randomly drafted into built-in pools, meaning everyone contributes yet nobody dominates. The system provides a workable UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME (UBI), i.e., it pays users to participate, since everyone is drafted to secure the network. It is incredibly energy efficient because it does not mine all the time and it is also storage efficient because it uses a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) of historical blockchain transactions, allowing it to fit and run on a cell phone.