Shelley wrote:
On January 3, 2016 7:42:46 AM Georgi Guninski <guninski@guninski.com> wrote:
On Sun, Jan 03, 2016 at 03:23:28AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
Reddit seems to think it's some combination of pressure, health / medication,
Reddit is one of the most reliable sources you can cite.
I laughed out loud, for real :) Yeah, one of their "finest" moments was when they falsely but loudly accused a man who had gone missing as being one of the Boston Marathon bombers, that was a real piece of work. It's like a failed /b/ raid, but without actual hackers*.
* Well, back when /b/ was still good**.
** /b/ was never good.
Indeed. What a damn shame.
He contemplated suicide pre-incident. "Mood Med Ramp Up" causes that, and erratic behavior. Looks like a suicide with PD abuse as contributing factor. He apparently died at the altercation address too. No word about who lived at that address... X-GF/BF? Crack Dealer? "I am the owl I seek out the foul Wipe 'em away Keep America free For clean livin' folks like me If you demonstrate Against somebody we like I'll slip on my wig And see if I can start a riot Transform you to an angry mob All your leaders go to jail for my job But we ain't the Russians Political trials are taboo We've got our secret Ways of getting rid of you Fill you full of LSD Turn you loose on a freeway [Chorus] Send you spinning Send you spinning Send you spinning all over the freeway Spinning on the crowded freeway Spinning on the freeway Spinning on the freeway Spin Spin Spin-Lookout #DeadKennedys http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/deadkennedys/iamtheowl.html -- RR "You might want to ask an expert about that - I just fiddled around with mine until it worked..."