On Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 10:10:53AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 04:47:46PM -0600, \0xDynamite wrote:
Petition of United States of America Elector(s) and others, to President Donald Trump to Declare Martial Law, and to Arrest and Charge Traitors, and to Command the Military to Conduct a Re-Election in Certain States
You don't want to do this. For one, it won't really work. If your democracy is so diseased that the only way to get it functional is to take control of the People,
The people in general are fine, but there are -certain- people in power curretly, who have stolen an election and are resisting attempts to audit and bring some transparency and accountability.
If the courts are also corrupt, and or sufficietly intimidated, our options are starting to run out.
you have a SOCIETAL PROBLEM, not a legal one.
I consider we have both - societal and legal system problems.
Of course, the warning signs for that were long ago. Try the 80s, when kids committed suicde, and then the 90s where it escalated into stories of kids killing kids in school.
Do we need more law here?
Martial law is actually about, in a way, less law - it is the suspension of due process, replaced with military/marshall process, for a hopefully short period of time.
If is exercised by a benevolent dictator such as Donald Trump, then it shall be a useful tool for cleaning up.
It may turn out to be the only tool. We shall see...
Given we now appear to have a number of Republicans in both the federal house and senate in the US causing a house and senate vote re the election (where Trump shall be elected - remember, one state one vote on this rare vote), we may afterwards see ANTIFA rise up again to attempt to defend Soros' interests: THE PLAN: AMERICA THE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC https://projectcamelotportal.com/2020/12/18/the-plan-america-the-constitutio... If that happens, martial law may be the only practical way to handle the violence that follows, as these loonie "liberals" have been set up by the MSM to believe they won, and so they're in for a mutha of a fall of ego... We should also remember that 'the establishment' in the US has for decades been building the power vested in the presidency. Why were they so confident to vest so much executive power in the precidency? Could it be that they were consummately confident that the president would always be a man owned by the deep state, through blackmail, financial compromise or otherwise? Bushes, Clintons, Obombo and the rest - two sides of the same coin, decade after decade. Then Trump appeared. He had "no chance of even getting the nomination". He was "a clown". All who supported him were priviledged deplorable peasant scum. And we proudly wear these labels to this day! And Trump against all odds, won. And the deep state has continued to fight and proclaim the "illegitimacy" of Trump with "Russia Russia Russia collusion" echoing again in the MSM even in just the last few days. Trump. He's our goy. The Angel's trumpet has blown.
No. What you need here, after waving away any concerns of insanity when you can't even tell what's true or false, is Dr. Mark Janssen, aka "The Doctor", "ThePastor", "Capt. Dynamite".
I feel like I'm in Ghostbusters.