On 6/27/23, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Forbes in 1999 saying that the internet is terrible because it uses so much power. Sounds familiar?
All global banking, central banks, govts, their useless staff etc, all still use far more than crypto ever will. Shut them down.
Cryptocurrency is slowly invalidating and bankrupting all those inefficient energy wasting corrupt entities, ftw. https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-miners-focus-on-efficiency-renewable-... https://www.bitmain.com/news-detail/the-world-digital-mining-summit-singapor... MINING ⛏️Bitcoin miners double down on efficiency and renewable energy at the World Digital Mining Summit (cointelegraph.com) [–]CreepToeCurrentSea 19 points20 points21 points 1 day ago* (24 children)
From being called an enemy to mother Earth to being one of the top clean energy market users in the space.
permalink embed save report reply [–]SuccotashWorth9201 9 points10 points11 points 1 day ago (7 children) Breaking down barriers from the grass roots, you got to love the crypto mining community for leading the way with renewable energy. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Calm-Cartographer677 7 points8 points9 points 1 day ago (6 children) Renewable energy is cheaper than other energy sources, so it makes sense that miners use it in order to stay profitable. With the halving coming up, I would say that the use of renewables will increase even further in the mining community, as it'll be even more difficult to be able to mine profitably with the block reward decreasing. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]SuccotashWorth9201 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (0 children) True that, but miners are gonna mine until the last halving and that means devolping the miners to also be faster and more efficient for less wattage also. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Lillica_Golden_SHIB 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (0 children) Exactly my thoughts. The shift for renewables is a natural one considering the cost of mining will probably keep increasing. Reducing costs is inevitable for survival. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]denserthanblackhole 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (0 children) Finally -1 argument against bitcoin. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]kirtash93 3 points4 points5 points 1 day ago (1 child) Making Bitcoin mining 100% green energy would be a good kick in the balls to all the fuders. It still consume a lot but it also pushing green energy infrastructure creation. Its a circular economy. Really excited for the future. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Lillica_Golden_SHIB 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) I wonder what excuse they would come up with this time. We've just crossed the 50% threshold of renewable energy, maybe it won't take much for us to see a leap towards 60%, 70%. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Every_Hunt_160 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) Renewable energy is cheaper than other energy sources, so it makes sense that miners use it in order to stay profitable. For real, it's not like miners have some sort of noble agenda to push renewable energy. Bitcoin miners will always gravitate to the cheapest energy because the bottom line is always the number 1 priority. And thankfully for a good number of nations, renewable energy is now cheaper than 'dirty' energy. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]TNGSystems 7 points8 points9 points 1 day ago (4 children) I mean yeah but it’s not producing energy for others to use. I support BTC but there’s no escaping the fact that clean energy used to mine BTC can be better used elsewhere. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]endless_ness 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) A company using green energy does not limit another company from using green energy in the same region. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Lillica_Golden_SHIB 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (0 children) Totally agree, that's why I think we need more and more adoption for people to realize the value proposition of BTC as to make mining even more important as to justify even more the energy it consumes. The more renewable energy it uses, the better - crossing 50% usage is quite of a milestone and hopefully it won't take long for these numbers to increase (I hope). permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Hawke64 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (1 child) Shhh... you are not supposed to say the quiet part out loud permalink embed save parent report reply [–]CreepToeCurrentSea 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) lmao but yes what he said is also true, we can use the energy for better things like electricity in far flung areas. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Practical-Store9603 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (1 child) How the turns have tabled! permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Elgato_TJ 1 point2 points3 points 19 hours ago (0 children) Bitcoin just tends to amaze me every single day permalink embed save parent report reply [–]citruspers2929 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (0 children) Yeah it’s awesome. There are some really bright people in this space who genuine care about this sort of thing. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Zealousideal_Ice8918[S] 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) It illustrates how flexible and innovative the crypto business is. This change demonstrates the possibility for good change in the crypto market . permalink embed save parent report reply [–]glistofor 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) Miners are buying the energy not producing it permalink embed save parent report reply [–]hiredgoon 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) Bitcoin isn't an energy market. It consumes energy from the energy market. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]GreekGod0007 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) One of the top you said permalink embed save parent report reply [–]mochi_ball223 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (2 children) Interesting that with each halving and increase in difficulty, miners will be more motivated to migrate to sustainable energy. May see technology developments from BTC mining that could make sustainable energy adoption in other industries. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]belavv 2 points3 points4 points 23 hours ago (0 children) Or they will chase cheap energy no matter how it is produced. And smaller miners will shut down. And only the big miners will stay alive. Meaning mining becomes more and more centralized. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]CreepToeCurrentSea 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) It might indirectly even cause other companies to switch to greener alternatives. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Tasigur1 1 point2 points3 points 22 hours ago (0 children) I call it the evolution of greatness 👌 permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Embarrassed-Bowl-230 13 points14 points15 points 1 day ago (8 children) It's not just because they like the environment but it's the cheapest way for them to remain profitable. permalink embed save report reply [–]Mean-Argument3933 7 points8 points9 points 1 day ago (3 children) Win-win situation anyway permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Lillica_Golden_SHIB 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Good for the miners, good for the environment and good for the network and all of us. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Every_Hunt_160 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) A happy coincidence made into a win-win situation really! permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Hawke64 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Finally some use case for *checks notes* electricity. Why did we invent that crap anyway? permalink embed save parent report reply [–]FreekTheDog 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) Endless sun and wind yes permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Guilty_Fisherman5168 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) Also power companies pay mines to turn off when demand is high. Another way they can make money is to help smooth the grid. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Zealousideal_Ice8918[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) It's a win-win scenario where profitability and sustainability can go hand in hand, more attractive choice for miners. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]MericaGuy 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) A positive outcome from selfish intentions is still a positive outcome permalink embed save parent report reply [–]BradVet 4 points5 points6 points 1 day ago (2 children) Media going quite on bitcoin energy consumption lately, wonder why permalink embed save report reply [–]Zealousideal_Ice8918[S] 4 points5 points6 points 1 day ago (0 children) it's crucial to continue being alert and having conversations about sustainability. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Elgato_TJ 1 point2 points3 points 19 hours ago (0 children) Aliens are kinda hot right now thats why permalink embed save parent report reply [–]glistofor 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (0 children) Actually miners are buying the renewable energy from renewable energy sources not producing it , if there is a case that they actually produce renewable energy that bravo 👏 but it's 2 much noise for nothing permalink embed save report reply [–]mochi_ball223 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (1 child) BTC swinging from environment enemy #1 to an ESG asset in less than half a decade permalink embed save report reply [–]Zealousideal_Ice8918[S] 1 point2 points3 points 23 hours ago (0 children) Oh, you've got to admire how rapidly Bitcoin changed from being a global threat to a favorite among ESGs, all in the space of a single blink of an eye. The crypto world works in mysterious ways, doesn't it? 😉 permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Maleficent_Sound_919 5 points6 points7 points 1 day ago (31 children) Their argument : "BTC is bad for the environment" is getting weaker each day permalink embed save report reply [–]Mean-Argument3933 7 points8 points9 points 1 day ago (20 children) So many things people do daily that are bad for the environment, but they refuse to change. Meanwhile they like pointing fingers at BTC permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Maleficent_Sound_919 8 points9 points10 points 1 day ago (18 children) I love how the biggest environmentalists never look at themselves. Using phones, going on holidays and so on. If it's so important to you fix yourself first please permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Pristine_Spinach8718Banned 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (8 children) Exactly, they are all so hypocriet. Using all the the products and services but telling the companies that offer them that they are bad. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Ben_Dover1234Dixie Normus was taken. 4 points5 points6 points 1 day ago (7 children) Although let's be honest, the bigger polluters still are large corporations and celebs. An interesting stat is like to pull up is that you would have to live 536 years to put out as much pollution as Taylor Swift has in the last 6 months. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Mean-Argument3933 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (1 child) Like Leonardo DiCaprio sailing around the world in a yacht lecturing others how to care for the environment permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Old-Body-8317 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) It's a curious paradox, but celebrity activism can still raise awareness for important causes, even when it comes with a touch of irony. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]EveliaAvila 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (3 children) This, so much this. My family loves recycling and i do too but they think they are actually making a difference. Soryr to break it down to you mom and dad, whatever you end up doing will never trully make a difference. Your whole life of recycling can be wiped out in 1 day (or much less) from big corporations or celebs. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Old-Body-8317 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (2 children) It's harsh truth, but still, every effort counts towards a more sustainable future. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]EveliaAvila 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (1 child) Ofc, i do too and i agree but i do understand the real impact we are making. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Ben_Dover1234Dixie Normus was taken. 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) If everyone recycles, then it will make a big difference. But even if they do, if celebs still use private jets everyday, and corporations don’t start using green energy; then it doesn’t matter. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Old-Body-8317 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) Absolutely, It's astonishing how the actions of some can outweigh a lifetime of effort from others. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]furysammy 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (1 child) If you want to make a change then change yourself permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Elgato_TJ 2 points3 points4 points 19 hours ago (0 children) cant change the world unless you change yourself g, that’s right permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Mean-Argument3933 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (3 children) My friend bought a Tesla to be more 'environmentally friendly', but here is the catch: he never drives. It may take decades to offset the carbon footprint of manufacturing the car that he didn't need anyway. It's just for show lol permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Old-Body-8317 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (0 children) True, it's a balance between perception and real environmental impact. Driving responsibly and for a longer lifespan could tip the scales in favor of sustainability. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Burzzzt88 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) Sad it's just being there for show. There are so many components in that car that are everything but enviromental friendly. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]timbulance 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) So he has a nice low mileage Tesla just parked ? Use it or lose it permalink embed save parent report reply [–]ablablababla 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (1 child) How is using a phone bad for the environment permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Maleficent_Sound_919 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) The materials they need to make your phone permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Hawke64 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) Using phones Real environmentalists communicate using smoke signals permalink embed save parent report reply [–]furysammy 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Looks like they like blaming everything for crypto all their reasons problems etc end to crypto permalink embed save parent report reply [–]EveliaAvila 3 points4 points5 points 1 day ago (5 children) BTC's carbon footprint is shrinking faster than a snowman in July. They have to find something else. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]furysammy 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (0 children) They have plethora of reason to blame crypto. I will not be surprised if they link animals extinction to crypto permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Maleficent_Sound_919 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (2 children) They will find new sticks to beat us with permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Ben_Dover1234Dixie Normus was taken. 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) They always do. At one point it was dangerous, then it was for criminals, then it was bad for the environment. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Hawke64 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Beatings will continue until morale improves permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Zealousideal_Ice8918[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago* (0 children) It's encouraging to see the crypto space adapt and prioritize environmental concerns. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]furysammy 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) This statement is weak in itself permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Sorrytoruin 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) It was always bad compared to other industries, just an excuse to attack btc permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Practical-Store9603 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) *is getting greener every day permalink embed save parent report reply [–]WreckingSeth 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago* (5 children) They want to reduce one the fixed costs of mining, electricity. If they achieve to do that using renewable and clean sources the better for everyone. I think this is the right path permalink embed save report reply [–]Zealousideal_Ice8918[S] 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago* (1 child) Mining fixed costs can be decreased by the use of clean, renewable energy sources, which is not only advantageous economically but also environmentally sound. It's a development that will help the industry and the environment by creating a more ethical and sustainable crypto economy. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]WreckingSeth 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Exactly, there is no drawback in investing in renewables permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Lokiee0077 1 point2 points3 points 1 day ago (2 children) I don't think they care about renewable energy, its all about reducing the fixed cost and increasing the profits. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]WreckingSeth 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (1 child) Yes of course but in the meantime if they use renewable it's a good thing nonetheless permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Lokiee0077 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) I'm not saying it's not a good thing, I'm just sharing the main reason behind going for renewable energy is too increase their profits. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]PiyushChansoliaPermabanned 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (2 children) It requires a ton of computer processing power, and therefore a ton of electricity and then think about how electricity is 'made'. Burning coal for example, is far from good for the environment. Even the 'clean' forms like wind turbines have side effects. permalink embed save report reply [–]Maleficent_Sound_919 2 points3 points4 points 1 day ago (0 children) Side effects being the materials that need to be mined to make them permalink embed save parent report reply [–]Zealousideal_Ice8918[S] 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) You're absolutely right; the energy-intensive nature of cryptocurrency mining, particularly with coal-based electricity, poses environmental challenges. Balancing technology innovation with environmental responsibility is a pressing issue. permalink embed save parent report reply [–]coinfeeds-botApproved CC Bot -1 points0 points1 point 1 day ago (0 children) tldr; Bitcoin miners are focusing on efficiency and renewable energy as the industry prepares for the Bitcoin halving in 2024. At the World Digital Mining Summit, Bitmain unveiled its new Antminer S21 and S21 Hydro ASIC miners, which have improved performance and energy efficiency. Miners are looking to integrate renewable energy sources into their operations to offset rising electricity costs and maintain profitability. The summit also discussed the importance of sustainable development in the mining industry and the potential for miners to participate in demand response agreements with power producers. The advancements in ASIC technology, such as the Antminer S21, allow miners to reduce energy consumption and increase profits. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR. permalink embed save report reply [–]Cryptosockies 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) this is how you make your product attractive. people complain about a real issue? fix it. gg miners permalink embed save report reply [–]EveliaAvila 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Making money and saving the planet, one Satoshi at a time. BTC and green energy, a match made in crypto heaven. permalink embed save report reply [–]Ben_Pars 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Best solution for bitcoin miners is to use renewable energy like solar and haters will have nothing to say about it. permalink embed save report reply [–]hquer 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Double down because halving is around the corner… permalink embed save report reply [–]002_timmy 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) I mean, that really should be the goal of any industry. Less pollution + higher margins. It’s a win-win for everyone permalink embed save report reply [–]intestinalvapor 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Why not just move to proof of stake? All that mining material and the extra solar panels are still an enormous source of pollution and waste of ressources permalink embed save report reply [–]MericaGuy 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) It is good to see energy efficiency being a priority in the development of these devices. It means that miners have access to more profits and cuts down one of the largest arguments against crypto and BTC in particular. permalink embed save report reply [–]caleoki 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children) Miners will never have my respect, no matter what. They're some of the worst participants in the crypto space but still behind crypto scammers. permalink embed save report reply [–]NoNumbersNumber 0 points1 point2 points 1 day ago (0 children)
From BTC is bad for the environment to BTC is good for the environment!
Good on you miners... permalink embed save report reply [–]Popular_District9072 0 points1 point2 points 21 hours ago (0 children) investing in renewable energy today is likely to offset future expenses - good move for any long term miners permalink embed save report reply [–]Quasar9111 [score hidden] 58 minutes ago (0 children) Good stuff