Dnia niedziela, 13 kwietnia 2014 20:32:18 Linux User pisze:
On Sun, 13 Apr 2014 01:28:14 +0200
Lodewijk andré de la porte <l@odewijk.nl> wrote:
So. Are the NSA guys good guys? Well. They're the enemy of the people, as they invade their privacy and therewith their safety. If you can be blackmailed, studied, influenced, etc. you are weak and vulnerable. Preaching to the choir, I guess.
Well, I get the impression that some of the voices of this choir still need some preaching directed at them =P
I noticed something interesting in digital 'security' circles. People who deal with 'security' are, at first sight, technical people and are concerned with issues such as factoring integers, permutations, routing protocols, etc. etc. etc.
However, all their technical expertise exists to achieve some political goals. And when you look at the political beliefs of these people, you see that they suck big time. As engineers they may be competent, but there's a step above engineering, and there, they fail.
This is so true. The "I'm not into politics, I just write code" stance needs to change. It *does* matter for whom you write your code and how you future-proof it from being use to abuse people. Simple example: dear sysadmins (of whom I am one), do you *really* need all those logs? They are a treasure-trove for LEAs. Unless you are required by law, just keep the last week or so, that's usually enough to debug problems as they arise. -- Pozdr rysiek