Cutting as it gets, from a lowly murderer of the ranks.. The Joke of America’s Military Rule http://journal-neo.org/2017/02/26/the-joke-of-america-s-military-rule/ " All of those with me soon learned to hate the Marine Corps and that we were on the wrong side in Vietnam. ... It isn’t just a few, it became a disease during the Reagan presidency and after when military service was being glorified again, pretending to be a Vietnam veteran was a popular pastime. For those of us who actually fought the war, we only remembered losing our friends or being forced to fight an enemy that was defending its country against an evil foreign invader, meaning “us.” ... What I want to know is where are the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, wars even more stupid than Vietnam, and why aren’t they telling the truth? Why aren’t we hearing about murdered civilians, about rapes, about massive drug dealing, about theft and corruption on a massive scale? These are the most evil and corrupt wars of modern times? Why is no one talking about them? When it comes to these wars, that search for non-existent WMDs or, more recently, Trump’s insane assertions about Iran’s nuclear program or his denialism about Israel and Saudi Arabia as the root of world terrorism, why is the silence deafening? "